Friday, April 9, 2021

Heart and Mind, Jack Hanna

"You have to touch the heart
to teach the mind."
Jack Hanna

Jack Hanna has been a wildly acclaimed zoo keeper for numerous years.  He appeared on many television shows, but was worldly recognized as a link between humans and animals.  In his outgoing personality, he displayed and spoke about animals in a way that encouraged friendship and love.  His family has just now disclosed his entry into early stages of dementia.

Jack Hanna believed "You have to touch the heart to teach the mind."  He demonstrated this by introducing animals to celebrities, building a bridge between the two.  Once in place, he would then share information about this particular animal.

Jack Hanna's approach of touching the heart and then sharing information has been used over the years. When we are approached by a new way of doing things, we often have our 'dander' up, preparing our defenses.  Our attention is upon thickening our boundaries, not hearing half of what is being said.  If we begin, however, with an open heart, truly listening to what is being said, we can calmly agree or disagree in a grounded response.

***With prayers for Jack Hanna and his family.


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