Friday, April 16, 2021

Get Out of the Way!

"Once you make it clear to the Universe that you are open,
information and ideas will come through."
Janet Conner

Inspiration triggers desires for creative expression whether it is for music, painting, writing or dance.  Almost immediately, ego interrupts with despairing comments about abilities or age.  If we listen, our creative aspirations fade.  When we are smart enough to squash ego, we begin to hear steps to lead us towards engagement.

Each of us house an ability to create.  This does not mean we will necessarily excel and become famous. It does mean we need to pursue our talent as eloquently as we can.  Perhaps, we will never do more than scribble primitive designs or basic patterns, but the gift is in the joy of activating this particular space.

Whether we gather beads, fabric or sheets of music, go for it!  Simply ignore self-judgment and criticism from others.  If needed, keep the creative venture private. The Universe provides us with resources, if we but pay attention.  Come on, step aside.  Get out of the way!


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