Thursday, April 29, 2021

Impacting Outcome


and thoughts that create experiences."
Louise Hay

If we cling to negative projections, we will more than likely have exactly that ... limitations. If we open our arms to welcome what comes our way, without expectation, it is more likely that a positive experience will unfold.  Our personal energy, whether negative or positive, impacts and adjusts outcome.

When we are fear based, we are not grounded or balanced, making it easy to spiral downwards.  Our bodies listen to everything we say.  From one point, we can constantly repeat that we are getting sick, and get sick.  On the other hand, our body tries to alert us when we are impaired, and if we ignore it pushing forward, we can deepen the illness. Fear shuts us down, limits us.  

Opening to life with positive mindsets, we can heighten our experiences. We feel better, think more positively, and witness insightful situations.  We avoid the whiplash of being yanked from positive to negative by daily grounding our bodies, minds, and spirits.

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