Thursday, April 15, 2021

Love Being the Language

"The truth of who you are does not come and go.
It is present before birth, throughout a lifetime, and after death."

THE DIAMOND IN YOUR POCKET,  written by Gangaji, is a mind opening revelation.  Previously, my readings were assisting me to identify my wants, my needs, and my desires.  In this book by Gangaji, the words lead us into an understanding of ourselves other than physical.

As we age, we let go of attachments that prevent us from understanding the whole being.  Our views are less distorted by limiting beliefs or concepts.  The more time we spend in nature or meditation, we begin to develop a stronger self of identity.

As we understand the intention of our lessons, we are more aligned to our unfolding.  Our identity aligns with the theory of all being one.  I am one with spirit.  I am one with nature.  I am one with all things, places, and spirits. When we embrace this, we begin to live in oneness with love being our language.


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