Sunday, April 18, 2021

Discover Freedom

"You not only have the ability to find yourself,
you have the ability to free yourself."
Michael A. Singer

Resources are limitless when it comes to discovering the true self.  Each of us will be drawn to a support resonating the nature of the soul.  There are wise ancestors, music, painting, physical challenge,  therapists, and writing ... all tools to unravel the inner mystery.

Over the years we find endless labels such as: mother, teacher, employee, wife, confidant or provider. These are only hats we wear and simple labels to define a particular part of the self.  We discover ourselves in entirety, when we move inward, embracing all parts of the whole.

Our identity is simple.  We find an acceptance of the nothingness at our core.  Our identity is with all things created ... earth, air, water and fire.  Replicating a tree, we sink our roots deeply to experience the energy of the earth.  The breath we inhale and the breath we exhale is compounded by the element of air.   Our bodies are filled with water carrying the pulse of the ocean.  The small flame within radiates towards the fire in each soul.  Find these beautiful parts of the self and be free.

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