Friday, April 30, 2021

Turning into Nightmares

"Often we go through life rundown, but the body's 
natural state is one of energy, clarity, and balance."
Daily Om

Exhaustion, pushing our selves to the limit and expecting more describes a certain life style.  For some, there is never enough and therefore, no time to stop.  Whether we are meeting the needs of others or pushing for unreachable perfection, we continue moving until our physical bodies crash.

Dis-ease often erupts to allow our body a chance to rest.  If we won't offer self-care,  a reaction arises in our system. Anxiety, heartburn, indigestion, irregular bowels, and even to the extent of breaking our arm or leg.  The body is screaming for us to stop.

When our body, spirit, and mind are not aligned, we are not balanced.  If we do not face our challenges with clarity,  our worst fears begin to enter our dreams, turning into fearsome nightmares.  It is ironic ... if we take time to replenish, we will do greater work than continuing non-stop.  The best of our lovely selves shine when it is polished and cared for.  Restore energy, balance parts of life, and begin to see with clarity.

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