Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Choose Love

"What would love do?"
Neale Donald Walsch

Wounded people hurt us and an automatic reaction often times is anger. When we remember, however, that anger is a secondary emotion, we can uncover the original feeling just prior to the anger.  It is this first emotional reaction that is unbearable, propelling us forward into anger. We lash out rather than choosing to expose our innermost feelings with love.

When we lash out in pain, we extend the distance between healing and resolve. We push down our suffering which then festers and increases intensity. The original issue at hand may get buried beneath newly existing judgment. Perhaps even competition enters the battling arena losing focus on what was initially at hand.

If we hold love as our center, we can find words to reflect torment. Speaking our truth of how we have been blind sided or emotionally impacted will keep communication flowing. It may not change the outcome, but the sense of self will remain true. Love does not hate, injure or sacrifice others. Hateful reactions pull us out of our loving center.

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