Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Moving Forward Together

"Compassion becomes real when we 
recognize our shared humanity."
Pema Chodron

We distance ourselves when we judge others by pulling up barriers. The separation increases discord creating a greater sense of separation. When we allow ourselves to view others as equal humans facing challenges without feeling as though they are a personal threat, we can strengthen relationships.

When we trust that we are in the right place, we begin to understand the need to be present for others without feeling pressure to rescue or solve his or her dilemma. Even if mishaps are being projected onto us, we can simply observe without action. If we impose our opinions on others, we are just enabling them to avoid their lesson.

It is when we become curious as to what we can learn from the presenting situation of others, we can create a greater sense of kinship. We are all traveling on this earth with the option of togetherness rather than competitiveness. As we move forward side by side, positive energy streams brightly upon our paths. 


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