Monday, November 20, 2023

Recalibrating With Light and Energy

"Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds
are very limited. Use your intuition."
Madeleine L'Engle

Facing Thanksgiving, stress can take on many forms. It can be felt as a pounding headache, churning belly or paralyzing fear. Feeling powerless masks your ability to take action with personal healing. Palm to palm, gently hold your hands sensing a warm light or pulsing energy being transmitted.

You are made of energy being perfectly capable of calming your own soul. Where is pain lodged in your body? Use your intuition to track it down. Place your warm hands on various parts of your body and feel pulsing energy. Gently pause as you begin to feel tension or anxiety or stress beginning to fade away.

Experience a warm light entering the top of your head. You will begin to feel a liquid warmth spreading down throughout your body. Let the light be so radiant that it extends outside of  your body, creating a healing shield. Within. you have a powerful energy perfectly capable of recalibrating your body, mind, and soul.

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