Friday, November 10, 2023

Beauty of Pause

"My brain gets stuck on what to do next ...
Some people make it look so easy."
Julia Brake

Discord is a constant in life, triggering change. And movement is required in order to evolve into a deeper life purpose. Other than giving up on ourselves, comparison can be highly detrimental. Just as we put on our happy faces to appear out in the world, others are also hiding their pain and suffering. 

If we categorize someone as having it 'easy', we are not recognizing his or her past laced with challenge and sacrifice. A more apt perception might be their ability to learn in spite of chaos. Perhaps a recall of past struggles and enduring uncertainty, encourages a person to lean on strengths to continue in spite of all odds.

Too often, we forget the beauty of pause. Rather than jumping into the unknown or caving in  to desperate measures, we can choose to give ourselves a time out until a more positive solution appears. Securing a reasonable time for reflection. calm returns to our mind, breathing becomes balanced, and pathways gently open divine guidance.

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