Monday, November 13, 2023

Intuitive Messaging

"Sharpening intuition is like tuning a radio to the 
clearest frequency, revealing the wisdom that
has always been within you."
Reiki Scoop

Our physical bodies resonate with universal energy in attempts to get our attention. Whether the energy is held captive in a holding pattern or ramped up with excitement, we have the ability to unlock it or direct it towards prosperous outcome. Intuition rides on the currents of vibrations, waiting for us to recognize and utilize wisdom.

Divine Spirit consistently offers insight through both our conscious and  subconscious mind. Information can be transmitted from ancestors, historians, or other worldly transmissions. Whether we are reading, communicating, or simply listening, messages abound. Enhancement depends upon our ability to listen, respect, and apply.

When insights make themselves present, there is a need to pay attention. Remain open even when there are feelings of doubt. If we do not understand the prompting, time is required to sort out intended application. Search within inner landscapes to decipher true meaning. When messages are unclear, engage in meditation, prayer or nature for further clarification. 


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