Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Out of Focus

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service
of my vision, then it becomes less and less important
whether I am afraid."
Audre Lorde

When we are able to flow freely, peace and calm can be experienced.  However, one must secure a concept of desired outcome. When we have a loosely defined destination, our progress will be appropriately defined. If our vision is out of focus, unnecessary delays may occur wasting both our time and efforts.

Avoid limitations, and allow the heart and mind to softly project a pathway for personal aspirations. Gently align creative insight with exploration as to how life would be best lived. Determine how our skill set can become the core of propositions. Where will our strengths enhance personal life expectations?

While navigating with our core skills, we may experience doubt and insecurity. In close relationships, we  may face discord.  Disruptions can prompt us to look within to discover where we need to strengthen our own connection to our vision. Improving communication with the self and others, creates a stronger sense of security and increased power.

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