Friday, November 24, 2023

Ask The Magician

"What the mind can conceive and believe,
and the heart desire, you can achieve."
Norman Vincent Peale

Trust in the ability to make healthy choices for the self. Identify what is needed to nurture the body, mind, and soul. Then follow through with intentions to address these needs. Be loyal to inspirations as they come into our lives laced with spiritual connection and reward.

Sitting back, viewing life as though it were a movie will not meet your needs. Living fully requires active participation based upon personal choices and design. If we do not hold our lovely selves accountable, we will find life straying towards disappointment and too often, failure.

If we choose to give as much thought to the unfolding of the day as we give to the local barista with our coffee choice, we will be on our way. Healthy possibilities surround us, just waiting to bring color, depth, and satisfaction. However, we need to ask and invite the magicians to begin.


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