Thursday, November 16, 2023

Opening Hearts and Hands

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have
two hands ... one for helping yourself, 
the other for helping others."
Audrey Hepburn

Hands are a tool for extending the self whether holding them in prayer or extending light out towards others. Our actions are muted by our past traumas and unidentified issues. Our personal fears may limit our ability to give which alters deep connections. Ironic in that we all have deep seated needs to be touched by human hands.

All relationships are in need of harmony on some level. In order to develop an atmosphere to thrive, ego must not impede our natural response of kindness. The compulsion to control must be released so that individual growth can unfold. Partnerships are enhanced as we open our hearts to understanding the goals and pathways chosen by others.

We will prosper when we utilize one hand to work on our own issues and extend the other with compassion for those whom we are engaged. Connections are enhanced when we accept our own mistakes and apologize with the intention to do better. By releasing past issues, our hands become free to love each other.

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