Friday, November 3, 2023

Darkness To Paradise

"I was in darkness, but I took three steps and found
myself in paradise. The first step was good thought;
the second, a good word; and the third a good deed."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Just for today, let us choose to focus on Spirit wanting to provide us with creative expression, fertile opportunities, and synchronistic engagement. If we choose to welcome light to shine in our dark spaces, we will begin to experience thought from differing vantage points. Energy begins to flow, stirring up new possibilities.

Shifting our focus, we begin to recognize and honor peoples efforts and intentions.. We can offer support or praise increasing the links between us, strengthening the collective energies. The sense of connection increases for all involved which enhances power for creativity, decision making, and positive outcome. 

A group effort can impact numerous lives. As everyone contributes personal strengths, good deeds become prolific. When we change our thoughts, speak kindly to others, and extend kind gestures, the world becomes a peaceful place. The point of being all that we were intended to be and using it for the good of all, is the transition from darkness into the light. 


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