Tuesday, March 23, 2021

From A Distance

"My only advice is to stay aware, listen carefully,
and yell for help if you need it."
Judy Blume

At my computer, I glanced out my open window and did a double take! From a distance, I could see a tall, gray haired lady walking up the hill, and she was the spitting image of my dear friend, Brenda. She had the same graceful movement like my friend's, and I just knew she would have the same welcoming smile with sparkling eyes ... except Brenda lives in Texas.

From a distance, I watched her "fast walk" away, leaving me to feel left behind.  In my mind, I imagined what it would have been like to run up to this woman, throw my arms around her exclaiming, "I have missed you!"  In my imagination, she hugged me back and with laughter invited me to be her friend.

Isolation is causing me to be delusional.  This tiny quirk in time made me once again aware of just how badly I am missing hugs, laughter, and tears.  I long to gather at a table with my wise sisters of the heart, sharing their scars and how they have healed their hearts.  Judy Blume suggests, "... yell out for help if you need it."  I doubt anyone would hear me through my mask!

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