Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Spring Forward

"With the coming of spring, I am calm again."
Gustuv Mahler

May has arrived bringing a new excitement for life. Flowers are blooming, grass is greening, and bees are buzzing. Everything is nudging us towards new growth and expansion. Let's re-examine our intentions for moving forward in our lives. Has our life purpose changed or is it continuing to feel like an exciting journey?

Take a walk outside, slowing your pace to notice the new growth surrounding you. Breathe in the fragrance of spring and feel glad to be alive! Be curious as to how you can rekindle passion triggering curiosity and intention. What would bring you joy while benefiting those around you? The tandem of give and receive nurtures our soul.

Take time to examine your own patterns of behavior. Where do you need to slow down and how can you push up through collected  debris in order to soak up the sun? Stand barefooted in the grass imagining a connection with mother earth. When a gentle breeze whisks across your face, remember who you are and all you yearn to be. 


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