Saturday, May 25, 2024

Deciphering Dreams

"An aching loneliness came with my inability to find friends
and teachers with whom I could share my dreams safely
and confirm their validity."
Robert Moss

At a very young age, our dreams were minimized, unless we belonged to a dreaming culture. For example, the Aborigines found dreams to be a valuable source for guidance, wisdom, and possibilities. It is through dreams that we can touch our deepest creative source. They are a vehicle to be in touch with the past, present and future.

During dream time, we view numerous landscapes, challenges, and imaginative ideas. We may view people from our past, present, or future. Realizing that much of the dream can be symbolic, it is important to be able to unravel the message. Organizing a personal dream dictionary can be extremely helpful.

Choosing to keep a dream journal, one discovers the themes linking dreams together. An individual dream may represent one thing, but when added to previously recorded dreams, a pattern surfaces. Dreams are a powerful communication. Choose wisely whom you share dreams with as often times, dreams may contain hidden private information.


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