Sunday, May 5, 2024

Exhausted Survivors

"Children don't get traumatized because they are hurt.
They get traumatized because they are alone with he hurt."
Gabor Mate

Damaged from childhood trauma, a person closely monitors people around them, and their surroundings. Trust may not come easily and fear is laced in and out of situations. They may listen more closely to what is happening and often times hope they are invisible. All of this in spite of intellectually knowing these habits are no longer necessary.

Survivors tend to take things more personally. Words spoken are usually taken to heart and if there is discord, they may sense they are the cause. They may cling to privacy and be unable to embrace a larger picture of the world. The habit of hiding both emotionally and physically prevents thriving relationships.

Let us keep in mind that we are all travelers in this time and space. Respect those who are in survivor mode by being available to listen when they are open to sharing or to simply be present when asked. This sense of being alone in this world can be debilitating and exhausting ot the soul.

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