Saturday, May 18, 2024

Oh, There You Are!

"Sometimes when you lose your way,
you find yourself."
Mandy Hale

We are not meant to stay stationary in one specific space ... mentally, physically, or spiritually. Even when we are deeply rooted, life has a way of projecting us, unexpectedly,  forward into the unknown. In spite of floundering in newly found places, it is where we must be to learn, adapt and create anew.

When we accept our displacement, we begin to see the beauty and possibilities surfacing. No matter where we find ourselves, lessons are everywhere like leaves dangling from a tree. We are not always able to pick and choose what we want, so imagination begins to generate new ways to display our skills and authentic visions. 

As we learn to follow the new path stretching before us, our life can become enriched. Like walking through the forest and becoming aware of new fragrances, birds singing, brooks trickling, and gentle breezes stirring our souls. It is within this stillness that one begins to discover the 'self' all over again.

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