Saturday, May 4, 2024

Bleeding Hearts or Old Souls?

"You are the girl that has always seen relationships differently ~
as promises, rather than satisfying and temporary. You've never
been afraid to hand people your heart and happiness."
Marissa Donnelly

Bleedings Hearts are not only a beautiful flower. but also a tender hearted human. At times, they have been categorized as having too much drama, too sensitive and over the top. This would be equal to saying a conservative person was cold-hearted or unsympathetic. Extremes can be found in every thing.

Bleeding hearts never hesitate to give what they have without expecting a favor in return. They are open and inviting while holding a safe space without criticism or judgment. They feel the pain of others as they listen deeply to what is being said, and to what is not being said. It is a given that all things shared are confidential.

There is speculation that bleeding hearts are really old souls trying to adapt to a new culture. Perhaps they recognize the soul existing in all peoples and yearn to be respectful and loving. Following individual pathways offer both troubling and enhanced situations, creating uniqueness in these amazing souls. Bleeding hearts cultivate beauty in our world.


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