Wednesday, May 15, 2024


"I am expanding into my highest potential and becoming
all I am destined to be."
Deepak Chopra

It is said that we have been preparing for quantum leaps and expansiveness throughout our life time. We may hear a calling now and find ourselves awakening to a higher level of self-love, and self-worth. We are surpassing our heart's desire by recognizing our soul's desire to take form.  We are ready to embrace the magic and miracles manifesting around us.

When we step aside, exiting personal deprecation, our vibrations are lifted and our desire for harmony strengthens. Allowing our sense of passion, we experience surprises, delight, and excitement. Entering true creation we become aware of grace, miracles, and the magic that can only thrive with our connection to the Divine. 

At this point in our journey, we begin to accept and understand our personal power, surrounding love, and limitless achievements. There is recognition that throughout your journey there has been expansion and evolvement. Everything we wish ourselves to be for the higher good, we discover we already are. 

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