Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hands Healing Generations

"When words fail, the touch of a hand can convey
more than a thousand sentences."
My Grandmother's Hands

On Mother's Day, some will be thinking of their grandmothers or mothers while others think of their children. And then there are those who recall the gentle touch of a mentor or holding hands with best friends. Hands are filled with love waiting to heal those needing love. Every gesture made by the hands can become a language of its own.

In the palms of our hands energy capable of healing resides. The wrinkles on our hand reflects years of extended kindness. When we shake hands integrity and character can be revealed. The power in our hands create the world around us. Our hands can be a life line to those in absolute distress.

On this Mother's Day, what a gift it would be to stack grandmother hands upon the mothers, and daughters hands upon the mothers with granddaughters hands wiggled in between the stack. How wonderful if this could break barriers, sort out boundaries and engage love into present day living, healing generations.

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