Sunday, May 19, 2024

Reoccurrence of Passion

"The real lover is the man who can thrill you
by kissing your forehead or smiling
into your eyes."
Marilyn Monroe 

As we are growing  up, we think that love is about fast cars taking us on fast dates to fast food restaurants. After various relationships in higher education, we might shift into the more adult lane leading to a hot career and hot sex. Love then gets shuffled in the detailed plans for marriage, followed by love being siphoned off by adorable babies. 

As we age, we develop love for flowers, books, and rescued pets. Divorce or death may rob us of our mate or marital relations simply grow stale. We tell ourselves we are just too old for passion and try to make do with voyages into distractions. But in our heart, there is a small piece of love waiting to be kindled in an undefined fire.

When we finally grow our lovely selves with deep appreciation for our inner core, we cease to desperately chase false leads. Opening our newly defined brilliance, we begin to attract souls who will admire this inner glow. A person will offer a smile or the touch of the hand and an inner door opens and we passionately fall into the depths of love. 


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