Friday, May 10, 2024

The Eyes Have It

"The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without
speaking confess the secrets of the heart."
St. Jerome 

Throughout my life, I have observed others. I watch the way they walk, talk, and interact. Being highly sensitive to energy, my understanding of others increases. Primarily, it is the eyes that give the hidden emotions away. There may be an enormous smile on the face, but the eyes just might tell a different story.

Body language such as tightened fists, crossed arms, and leaning in or out during conversation are dead give aways. Facial expression is even greater with tight smiles or pained expressions. But the eyes, oh my. They speak volumes with unspoken words coming from the depth of the soul. Peek through them if you will.

The eyes, it is said, are portals to the soul. Information held within can come gently flowing out or be reflected as steel cold. The eyes are incapable of masquerading raw feelings and even when hooded, do not lie. The eyes can either stop you in your tracks or hold you in a warm embrace. Pay attention, and see what you can see.  

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