Friday, May 3, 2024

Gateway to Storytelling

"A campfire is a gateway to storytelling and sharing memories."
Author Unknown

Spring is here and fire pits will be aglow. Friends gather and stories are told. Conversations can assist in defining intentions. Articulating fears can assist us in moving forward. Compassion from others helps our healing. Communication is an important element for defining who we are and who we yearn to be. 

Throughout the years, we have been sharing our stories with others. Often times, hearing the self express personal tales, new understanding surfaces. Putting our dreams into words not only inspires ourselves, but frequently impacts those who happen to be listening. Quality of inner dialogue is also reflective of criticism and judgment.

Throughout time, stories have been an impetus for shaping history. Whether war or relationships, politics or policies, reporting has been embedded in our memories. Stories passed down through the generations can teach integrity and compassion. When we choose to articulate, we can help create a better world. 


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