Monday, July 23, 2018

Words Appear and Take Flight

"Our discomfort and our grappling is not a sign of failure.
It's a sign that we're living at the edge of our imaginations."
America Ferrera

A wooden recipe box was the keeper of my imagination.  Each time I noticed a random form of creativity floating through my head, I would grab a recipe card and try to capture the jest of my streaming.  Once recorded, I would place the note card behind one of the tabs.  The tabs were labeled: Childhood; Family of Origin; Education; Marriage; Motherhood; Parenting; Religion; Mentors; Spirituality; Death; Visions; Dreams; Fragments and Books.  

Once set up, the box made it extremely easy to track sparks of inspiration.  When I would get stuck writing, I would use the little box for additional resources.  It would help me expand my testimony based on my personal experience or remind me of forgotten fragments.  The wooden keepsake could have been a book in itself.

I have accepted my writing as not having an intentional ending or words written within a story or the lamenting of a memoir.  My words simply appear and take flight.  They bring life to me and hopefully I am a conduit for the words to reach the hearts of others.  I write day to day without consideration for a last chapter.  The ending will unfold by itself.  Namaste

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for organizing your sparks of creativity! It would be useful to all writers! I like the idea of not trying to complete a particular project, but just write fro your heart to all other hearts. ❤️
