Friday, September 8, 2017

Holy Flame of Love

"Hate cannot drive out hate:
only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr

Hate is one of the results of repressed anguish, frustration, and suppression.  When one does not see any options for self-development, a multitude of negative emotions build towards the element of hate.   It may feel powerful to join with other haters, and imagine a vision of conquering what has been denied; but it is simply acting in the darkness.

Through the media and the culture of fear,  hate appears to be both growing and expanding.  If we fear this, our personal power will leak away.  Instead, join with like minded people more often to build resistance from fear.  Participate in local volunteer efforts to create a stronger community of goodness.  Reduce the amount of fear and increase the strength of hands joined together.

Every day we are given options for light hearted goodness.  The stray piece of paper blowing across the street or the empty plastic bottle by the gutter give us the chance to respect our home, community, and earth.  Hold a door allowing for one other to go first, or offer a place in line for a customer with one item -vs- personal cart full.  Little sparks of small efforts ignite the holy flame of love.

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