Monday, March 18, 2024

Circumventing Stress

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way,
ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a
pioneer of the future."
Deepak Chopra

Stress can show up as an immediate physical knee jerk reaction or an emotional response. We are called to be defensive or deflective in action. Although stress can keep us alert, it can also cause a chronic deficit to our daily lives. It is necessary to learn appropriate measures to handle whatever causes discord smoothly and efficiently.

Stress can impact both our mental and physical health. We can become anxious or depressed leading to isolation and poor eating habits impacting body, mind and soul.  When unattended we can become resistant to intervention and experience the sense of loss of control in our own lives. The lack of belonging can be circumvented.

Stress cannot be avoided, but it can be faced with competence. When we maintain a sense of  competency, and authentic self-esteem, the likelihood of decline is narrowed. The declaration of life purpose, the commitment to relationships, and connection with healthy resources, prepare us for taking stress in stride.


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