Sunday, July 23, 2023

Rays of Sunshine


Keep your face always toward the sunshine
and shadows will fall behind you."
Walt Witman

Close your sad eyes and face the sun. Let it warm your lovely face, and stir goodness in your heart. Allow the rays to fill you with encouragement and strengthen the connection with all things unseen. The power of the sun courses through you, stimulating hope and healing. A true sense of well being now floats through you.

Open your beautiful eyes, viewing how the sun touches upon all things, spreading the desire for unfolding. You breathe in the fullness of the sunshine and notice how like a flower, your body is responding, stretching towards the light. Your spirit is connecting with surrounding vibrations and you begin to feel less alone.

And when it is time for you to turn and walk back towards where you started, you can feel the sun radiating against your back. The warmth brings a smile to your face, realizing that the sun never really sets. It glows in your mind, readily available to brighten even the darkest of your days.

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