Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Loud Voices, Bold Opinions, and Strong Feelings"

"When we are little girls, our families, teachers, and peers
insist that our loud voices, bold opinions, and strong feelings
are 'too much' and unladylike, so we learn not to trust our personalities."
Glennon Doyle

The story of Little Red Riding Hood encouraged me to wait for the hunter who would come to rescue me from the monster in the bed. There were several hunters who presumably saved me, but this only led me farther from my intended self. Ultimately, I was the only person who could create safe passage out of the darkness, but that would take years.

With praise, I salute parents who are now telling boys it is okay to be artsy or emotional, and girls to bravely follow curiosity. Adults are finally opening their eyes to become aware of predators their children self-report. Nurturing the wisdom children bring into this earthly existence will strengthen all of us.

As this newer generation thrives, less attention can be given to false body images, and beauty enhancements.  Restrictive legal or political judgments can now be challenged and bring freedom to govern our own bodies. Instead of pressure to attain false projections, energies can be invested in the unwrapping of the gifts within the soul.


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