Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Challenge of Constriction and Expansion

"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind."
Christian Schole

When we are faced with puzzlement, we may rub our brow to release chaotic thoughts. There may even be the sense of fear gathering in our minds which may loiter in our forehead. It is interesting that this same area contains the Third Eye which is rooted in psychological and philosophical enhancement.

Imagine how expectations would appear differently, if we filtered our thoughts through this sixth chakra. We could replace the constriction of fear with expansive insights. There is no reason to reserve the use of the Third Eye for body work or meditation. Our human experience could shift considerably by routinely accessing the Brow Chakra.

If we indeed create our own reality, why does it lack freedom? How is it that a broad spectrum of color, depth, and possibility await us, but we follow a narrow path? By choosing to tap into the Third Eye on a regular basis, we begin to shift vision, heighten energy, and realize dreams. 


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