Friday, July 28, 2023

Holy Shoes

"We often seek to receive the blessing of another
because somehow we feel that our own soul print
is incomplete, that our own story is not enough."
Marc Gafni

The way we live our lives is often a projection of who we think we should be, rather than how we truly are. Our soul print is shadowed during our search for identity in a material world. Our light gets dimmed and the intimate connection with self becomes hidden. This causes loneliness and fear of not being enough.

When we pull back the shroud of ego, we nurture our spirit with thoughts and deeds in alignment with life purpose. Our energy is used to broaden the scope of authentic connection, building upon our personal strengths and utilizing the gifts we have brought onto this earth plane. 

As we bring spiritual principles into daily living, our inner light beams, attracting support. Ego will continue to distract, but we now know these side trips are unfulfilling and fruitless. As we walk with others, we learn from them without the desire to be them. We have the right to be fully present, standing in our own holy shoes.


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