Sunday, July 2, 2023

Choose The Next Best Thing

"I tried to think of the good thing to do.
The best thing."
Lisa Wingate

We grow comfortable with our existence, sometimes becoming complacent.  We reach a particular goal and stop the routine of nurturing and exploring.  We choose to spend our time day dreaming and wishing, when it would be more beneficial to be opening to our next endeavor. What is the next best thing and what steps can be taken in this moment?

Nature reflects the ideal cycle. The seeds push through the earth towards light, giving birth to a new stalk with buds. Then it continues to unfold into flowers, but it does not stop there. In the beauty of the petals, inspiration produces another burst of creativity. Yes, it eventually dies, but the seeds will push up from the darkness again and again.

Indulge in creative stimulation. Pull out a book once savored or dust off the easel. Attend or initiate a gathering of like minded souls. Get outside of the self into nature, but then take a deep dive within to discover what awakens the spirit. We are given this life and repeatedly, we must choose the best thing to do. 


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