Monday, July 3, 2023

Sacred Bond

"May I always have a friendly feeling toward all living beings 
in the world and may the stream of compassion always flow 
from my heart toward distressed and afflicted living beings."
Jains of India

Recently, heavy smoke from the fires in Canada cloaked our atmosphere. Then tornadoes gusted through wiping out power across the city and extended areas. Extreme damage to trees and some buildings, but for the most part, humans remained safe. Utility workers continue to work around the clock and neighbors are helping neighbors.

In the midst of challenge, there are numerous options as to how one can help directly or anonymously. A person can sit quietly with prayer or energy work to be a part of the healing within the community. Uncontrollable harm offers each of us a chance to be a compassionate human.

A sense of hope surfaces as we set our differences aside and reach out to assist. An element of peace is experienced as judgment and criticism are simply set aside. We are called to be present to others, to not be numb to the affliction of individuals, and to treat all of life with reverence. As we join together, we strengthen our common sacred bond.


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