Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy Ending

"You turned the page,
I burned the book."

One can visualize life as being one big book, but when life is lived to its fullest, volumes accumulate.   An individual might write a book about his or her childhood while another might write endless segments.   A person's life might be gathered in a few chapters, but a divorce or a death could fill volumes.

Around the New Year, many people create resolutions to live life more intentionally.  They turn a new page and "Voila!" ... all is fresh and new.  The idea of turning just one page simply does not convince me  of a thorough ending.   For me, there must be more in order to make room for the new.
While some may simply turn a delicate page, I find myself prompted to burn the book. I know all of my stories by heart, and it is time to let them go up in smoke.  It is only when my mind is once again pristine, I can author my happy ending!

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