Thursday, January 5, 2017

Bring Nature Inward

"To understand the immeasurable,
the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

The winter snow encourages me to bring nature inward, inside of me.  I don't want the connection  with trees, birds and clouds in the sky to be broken.  So silently, I sit in front of my fireplace, comfortable with candle flames dancing,  pen tucked in my journal, and my age worn quilt wrapped around me. 

Gently, I close my eyes and withdraw into silence beckoning nature inside.  Imagination takes over, creating beautiful birds, swaying trees and soft white clouds gently floating across the sky.  My spirit asks to fly with the bird, to perch upon a tree branch and to ride the breeze in the sky.

Creative exercises designed within our body, mind, and spirit offers the opportunity to remain connected with wisdom circles, spiritual guides, and offer open spaces for God to fill.  It is within these isolated moments we engage with the Divine strengthening our  connection on a cold winter's day.

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