Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Rising and Setting

"For a seed to achieve its greatest expression,
it must come completely undone.  The shell
cracks, its insides come out and everything
changes. To someone who doesn't understand
growth, it would look like complete destruction."  
Cynthia Occelli

It is truly painful to have our hearts broken open repeatedly.  The pain can be debilitating and prevent us from our natural growth.  With deep roots, we seek the sun in spite of the rain.  We weather storms and find strength in survival.

Life wasn't meant to be hard and I don't believe in a punishing Lord.  Our reaction to challenge is driven by our perception ... victim, survivor, creator.  If we can maintain the resilience of a child, we prosper in finding the silver lining.

Every night is followed by day, while the moon floats and the sun rises.  We too pass through a cycle of rising and setting.  When we remove all fallacies of punishment, we create new healthy  beginnings and desires to succeed in spite of what befalls.

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