Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Gift or Invasion

"To you, it was just picking flowers.
To them, it was a massacre."
please find this, I Wrote This For You

When I learned how to let energy flow through me, I also learned respect for privacy.  I was shown how well intended acts of my own were not necessarily welcomed.  My energy may have felt more like an invasion when not carefully offered.

Ego tricks us into thinking we know what is best for one other, but this is not true.  Our good intentions may interfere with a path a person needs to follow.  It is best to develop a sense of 'gifting' a person with positive energy and they can use it or decide to store it.

I do not know what is best, so it is not right for me to interfere.  This, however, does not give me permission to just sit back and ignore the hardships of life.  I can address your heart, saying, " Here is this gift of energy, use it as you may!"

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