Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Recognizing Pure Form

"Life is meant to be lived as you ... not a copy, not what someone
or life has made you. The world needs you in your purest form.
You need you in your purest form."
Florence Witt 

When I look through my mind's eye, there is illusion and when I project myself through my personality, there is distortion. If I choose to experience life as a soul, love abounds. When navigating from the heart, there is increased radiance and beauty.

The steps I take on my pathway are peaceful, overshadowing the chaos seemingly everywhere. Slowing down, life is caressed by incidental wonderment ... the setting sun, the fragrance of flowers, and the sounds of small creatures.

What I invite into my life is carefully chosen.  Relinquishing control becomes easier, allowing energy to be used in creative ways. I may not be able to impact the greater good, but I am blessed to simply be good. 


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