Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Where You Place Your Feet ...

"I am open to being shown the way
 to travel the path of love."
Sheila Reynolds

The road before you may have been paved by family expectations or social dictation. You may feel like the path is leading nowhere or repeatedly presenting dead ends. Now is the time for you to remember that you have choice as to where you place your feet.

It matters not if you veer off onto a less traveled passage way or choose to add landscape where you already trudge. It is a matter of you slowing down, breaking stride and wandering. It is in the slower pace that you once again begin to hear.

If you want to be shown the way, you must float a question out into nature or to the Divine. Then you must be prepared to embrace the answer. Begin to feel love within and see it in the faces of others. With each new step, you will follow the path of love.


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