Monday, May 8, 2023

All Is Not Lost ...

"I reach for the page like I reach for prayer:
to plead, to confess, to commune, to remember
that all is not chaos, all is not lost."
Suleika Jaouad

The simple act of putting pen to page becomes a healing process. Words begin to flow expressing anger or joy.  We experience gnawing resentment or pent up retaliation fading away. The release makes room for comforting words and encouragement.

Life throws challenges when we least expect them.  We can be knocked off our feet, winded and overwhelmed. When there is no resolve in sight, depression slowly enters.  It is when we lift the pen, placing it upon the paper, new perspective and resolve arrive.

When we jot down past resurrections, our endurance strengthens and hope returns. Our confidence builds knowing there is more to living than desperate survival. Deep in thought, creative pathways begin to appear and we know deep within all is not lost.


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