Sunday, May 28, 2023

Traveling Companions

"We may need to stop and ask ourselves which inner companions 
we are traveling with and if they are true allies or just dead weight, 
representatives of the old way."
Toko-pa Turner

Even when we keep our feet grounded and chakras aligned, the illumination within our heart may flicker. We may be soaring along in one moment and then find ourselves floundering in the next. 

The space between our healing layers may be filled with deprecating voices and out dated memories of mishaps. With compassion, we need to take out the trash, releasing family shame or societal inadequacies.  

We can choose to be fueled by acceptance, forgiveness, and recognition. By acknowledging what no longer serves us, we make room for a healthier support system. What is beneath our feet and what we hold dear above, needs to be connected with positive energy.  

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