Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Going Astray ...

"Knowing others is wisdom.
Knowing yourself is enlightenment."
Lao Tzu

Longing for wisdom to nourish my body, mind, and spirit, I continuously find myself exploring ancient scribes, spiritual masters, and eclectic wordsmiths. It is not a matter of selecting only those who align with my thought, as I need the challenge of diversity.

New information is slowly processed as often the pertinence is hidden.  There is a need to allow messages to unfold rather than being dismissed. Even when I do not agree, the information has helped to understand the spirit within me.

Accumulating new insight is never enough. I must be able to both learn and apply what is gathered so that I may live by my word. This calling has never led me awry. Granted, there are times I may feel lost, but deep inside I have not gone astray.


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