Saturday, November 30, 2013

Both Sides of the Mouth

(Duncan Grant Artist's Study in Charleston)
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters
cannot be trusted with important matters”
Albert Einstein
A simple definition of integrity can be harmony between what one believes and how one behaves.  Simply put, what one holds close to the heart will be reflected in how one acts.  How one acts, reflects the personal belief system.  We all have heard the expression, "Walk your talk and talk your walk."
When we hear the Divine speak to us on the 'inner' or out in nature, through prayer or meditation, but do not heed to the guidance, we are out of balance.  If our words do not reflect our truth, but just say what you think the other wants to hear, integrity is compromised.  If we are false in our presentation to a lover, friend, or boss we are jeopardizing our integrity.  If we hug some one we definitely do not want to hug, we are pushing ourselves out of harmony.  If we go along with someone we feel is wrong, we have abused ourselves by not maintaining integrity.
In no way can we be perfect in every situation, but we can hold our selves accountable for when we neglect to maintain integrity.  When we keep ourselves in harmony, our vibrations increase and we feel good about our selves.  While attracting those practicing intergrity themselves we are in a position to be  more responsible for our thoughts, words and deeds.
There are many perspectives and we are not to judge what is right or wrong, but we do need to trust our personal integrity while we create our daily lives.  We learn to accept opinions of others, but discearn what is or is not truth for ourselves.  We do not talk out of both sides of our mouth.
When we hear ourselves reciting an unauthentic response, we need to pause and say, "Wait.  I don't feel that way at all.  I used to, but now I hold other beliefs."  We then honor ourselves and are in harmony with integrity.  When we express thoughtless remarks, we not only dishonor our selves but we also mislead the person hearing them. 

Be more thoughtful in responses, being more accurate in the image we reflect.  We will feel
more connected to the Divine as well as to ourselves and others when integrity is our intention.

***Reflections from reading Many Were Called by Dr Heather Anne Harder

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