Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hope and Bliss


Let every season run its course and every tide ebb and flow, but think not, dear one, that you have no choice of where your wandering mind can go... The UNIVERSE

There is an art to listening, to be still to hear the wisdom of others and the insights from within ourselves.  On the other hand, listening too carefully to our ego may lead us astray.  Our ego enjoys keeping us either too small or delights in puffing us up into an unexpected fall. 

Conversations take place in our minds, but often are really just old tapes from previous times.  These conversations usually contain negativity breeding fear and result in minimizing who we are meant to be.

Years ago, a mentor told me to listen to my 'gut' or act from my heart, before stressing about the thoughts in my brain.  She explained when we act from our heart or instincts from our belly, our mind does not have time to talk us out of our original idea.

So when we are suddenly prompted to call a friend, Spirit may be trying to use us.  Maybe our friend is in need and our gesture could help.  Unfortunately, the idea comes from our heart, but then our brain says, "She doesn't want to be bothered by you.  She is probably too busy."

It is an interesting challenge to monitor our thoughts and actions as they ebb and flow.  Listen more carefully to the thoughts from the heart rather than the dictates from ego or old tapes running in our head. 

Be in and of a new moment, allowing life to slowly unfold, birthing and re birthing as we go.  Our personal negativity can be washed away in a cleansing moment. Creating a better sense of connection with the heart can return us to our natural state of hope and bliss.

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