Friday, November 15, 2013

Turn The Light On!


To be broken
is no reason
to see all things
as broken.
Mark Nepo
A few years ago, a friend I admire and respect happened to mention the author Mark Nepo.  I had never heard of him prior to this conversation with Delinda, but her enthusiasm about him triggered my immediate interest.  I now own and covet all of his material. 
On the SUPER SOUL SUNDAY Show, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Mark Nepo and will do so again on this coming Sunday.  This interview was very inspiring and I eagerly await this next one on November 17, 2013.
There were numerous comments made by Mr. Nepo that really resonated with me as well as the viewing audience I am certain.  He encouraged us to "learn to ask what we need and then accept and practice what is given" even if it is not what we requested.  There is so much that happens in our life and "only the logic of the heart can put it together."  He spoke of the importance of knowing of identifying our needs as the reward becomes the opportunity "to be intimate with our own nature."  When we accept our selves, we "become intimate with the nature of life."  This creates connections that embrace us into the wholeness of life.
Mark Nepo explored his own life and how he felt called to be a poet.   He felt that true poems helped him to live.  His heart's desire however turned from being a poet to being a poem.  He encouraged people to stay away from labels and be more interested in the action.  "If you are a singer, sing.  If you are a gardener, then garden.  Follow the aliveness and identity is formed over the years."  He seemed to be saying, don't hide under a label, just be who you are through action."

One of his inspiring messages was:  "Stay close to whatever brings us alive and don't worry about a label.  As spirit grows larger within us, our self-created identity is dropped."   So all of our energy can be focused on what we love to do and do it without fragmenting our energy into areas that will eventually fade anyway.

My favorite book of Mark Nepo is THE BOOK OF AWAKENING which is a daily inspirational writing.  His most recent book is SEVEN THOUSAND WAYS TO LISTEN which is very good as well.  All of his other books and poems create a yearning to turn the light on inside ourselves to discover our amazing self!

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