Friday, October 13, 2023

Believe ...

"Your new self is already coming through."
Sophie Gregoire

Whether we make an inventory personally or collectively or globally, discord seems to be running rampant. Every situation appears to be going through change. The goal apparently is to move through chaos, ascending with new drive, purpose and estimated results. One needs to gather courage and bravery to move forward.

When we can make a conscious decision to be willing to change, there must be a willingness to identify and to let go of things that are no longer important or nurturing. By doing this, we create space to refresh and renew. We are called to look within to decipher what resonates and calls us into a forward movement.

With childlike eyes of innocence, look around and decide how a new landscape needs to be. What vibrant colors or subtle hues do we want to use? Shall we pencil in a path of solitude or a busy highway filled with mentors and possibilities? The key is to simply begin even though there may not yet be answers to new questions. With a full heart, believe.

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