Saturday, October 21, 2023

Need For Help

"... self-acceptance is truly a heroic act."
Nathaniel Branden

At a very young age, we learn to stop asking for help and learn to minimize personal needs. It is not as though our cravings disappear, we just learn to push forward and grow more independent. We hide our inner longings and falsely believe we are being selfish by wanting simple basic needs to be met.  

Not making requests does not banish our essential necessities. We begin to feel lonely, unsupported and invisible, with the assumption that others do not have the time to help us, Our true nature shrinks and we begin to quiet the inner voice while feeling unworthy. If someone does happen to offer help, we are ill prepared to graciously accept.

Satisfactorily adjusting to self-nurturing, we grow stronger. As we become knowledgable about our wishes, and meet them head on, our self-worth increases. With new found confidence, we become our own hero. In addition to meeting necessities, we also  begin to use our voice to express the need for help. 

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