Thursday, October 26, 2023

Dictated By Fear

"My fear traveled alongside me as an almost constant companion. 
It caused me to doubt myself all the time, to hesitate, 
to second guess my decisions."
Summer Shultz

Throughout my life, I have been constricted by fear. No matter how brave I have become, the act of stepping through fearfulness has often times left me frozen in place. I have had a strong desire to be fully living in my own skin and radiating love, only to discover I was cowering  with trepidation. 

Projecting a confident persona, I could still hear myself running away emotionally. Especially when reflecting my personal beliefs, the need to minimize, edit, and hide overwhelmed me.  Standing for my truth, there was a war waging within me to be smaller, less sensitive, or simply stop being 'too much'.

I have learned to hold myself accountable in spite of my self-imposed fears. I have embraced the value of  placing emphasis on who I have been called to be with an open heart while disregarding fright. I have learned to step through my false fears, to bring warmth to my numbness, and to live an authentic life of my choosing. 

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